Skiing, Exploring, Defining What Matters & Learning to Play

Get In Shape for Ski Season
~:: The Brave Ski Mom ::~
With winter just around the corner, it’s time to get in shape for ski season! No matter how fit you are from your summertime adventures, you’ll feel better and ski stronger if you take the time now to do some pre-season training.
In today’s post, I share four winter workouts: one for alpine skiing, one for telemark, one for snowboarding, and one all-in-one wonder. There is also a review of a new dryland trainer, as well as information on how biking complements skiing and helps tone the muscles you need.
ABOUT KRISTEN: Kristen Lummis is the owner, writer and head ski tech at The mom of two boys in a busy outdoor family, Kristen writes about skiing all year round, tossing in some biking, hiking, parenting and even a bit of reflection during the off-season. While her recreational passion is for all things snow, her real passion is for her family. You can follow the Brave Ski Mom on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
10 Ways to Explore Nature in November
~:: Go Explore Nature ::~
What to do to make getting outside and into nature fun now that the weather has cooled off? Start with the basics: Dress for the weather, keep it simple and have fun. If you need some specific ideas, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 10 ideas for connecting with nature in November.
ABOUT DEBI: Debi Huang is a Los Angeles-based wife, mom and adventure guide for two young boys. Her blog at Go Explore Nature is all about getting kids and families outdoors and connected to nature – whether in your own backyard or beyond.
Follow Debi on Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest.
These Things Matter
~:: Rowan & Oak ::~
My Grandpa grew raspberries. My Grandma grew rhubarb.
My Grandparents’ house was my second home. I remember how my Grandpa looked when I was a little girl. With his full head of white hair, his button-up dress shirts, his suspenders, his huge hugs smelling of coffee and old spice and periodically of stale cigarettes (he was trying to stop smoking when I was little). He’d save Folger’s coffee cans, punch holes in the sides, and string wire through them as a handle. Those were our berry picking buckets.
He tended his raspberries with such love and care, meticulously and with great skill as he does everything he undertakes. They were lush, huge, towering rows of green. And shining in their shadows were giant jewels of raspberries. I’ve never seen such perfect, enormous raspberries since I grew older and moved away. And they grew older and moved away. Leaving those vines to some other lucky soul. I hope deep in my heart that the new residents care for them like my Grandpa did. Meticulously. With love. With pride.
About Amber: Amber Nelsen is an herbalist and mother to two who enjoys teaching others how to grow, identify, and wild-harvest plants for food and medicine. Amber and her family maintain a large permaculture garden full of herbs, fruit, vegetables, and medicinal mushrooms. She blogs about herbalism and her family’s hand-crafted, place-based life at Rowan and Oak.
Find Amber on Facebook and Pinterest.
What To Do When Kids Don’t Know How To Play in Nature
~:: Frog Mom ::~
Adam Sandler’s movie Grown Ups may not seem the most likely reference in nature and kids but there’s an interesting scene I need to relate. At a lake house in New England, five families with kids get together over the 4th of July weekend. The five dads are sitting outside drinking beer and talking about all the fun they had as kids at this house. Meanwhile, the family kids are all inside playing loud video games. Deeply annoyed by the fact that his kids aren’t having fun outdoors, Adam Sandler pulls his screaming boys from the game room and plops them outside, instructing them to play. “But Dad, what do we do now?”
ABOUT LAURE: San Francisco transplant now living in London, Laure writes the family adventure blog Frog Mom and is the author of the book Best Hikes with Kids: San Francisco Bay Area. Inspired by her two fearless daughters, she writes about raising tomorrow’s explorers – kids who love the outdoors, have a creative attitude, and enjoy new discoveries. That includes lots and lots of books! Enjoying the outdoors regardless of the seasons – yes, that means rain and cold too – her family spends most weekends exploring their surroundings with new adventures and new friends, from camping to castle exploring to night hiking or dog-sledding. As long as it sounds fun, it’s on the list! You can follow Frog Mom on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest as well.