Printable Duplo Number Cards. Plus 5 fun ways to use them! by Learn with Play at Home

With both a toddler and a preschooler in the house one of our favourite manipulatives and play materials, is Duplo. There are a ton of great games and learning activities that you can do using Duplo and here I’ve shared some fun Duplo Number cards that I made for the kids. I’ve also provided info on 5 fun ways that you can use the cards in a hands-on way so be sure to check those out.
ABOUT DEBS: Debs is a Primary School Teacher from Australia on family leave with her 2 young children. She is passionate about Early Childhood Education and believes firmly in the importance of learning through play. She is the author and creator of Learn with Play at home which is a resource full of activities and ideas with handy tips on how to further promote learning with play. Above all, she believes that learning should be fun!
You can see more of her work on memetales and follow the fun on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and G+.