Tools, Drawing Journals, Piñatas & Party Soap

BonBon Break

Real Tools, Real Work

~:: Crafting Connections ::~

While things designed specifically for children do have their place, I think little ones are more capable of handling the “real tools” of life than we give them credit for. They are capable of using hammers. They are capable of using real dishes, as my little ones do. They are capable of watching, and enjoying, movies not created specifically for them. They are capable of playing go-fish with a regular deck of playing cards. Thumbing through grown-up magazines and books. And, often when they do, they become more confident because they are doing grown-up stuff.



ABOUT DANIELLE: Danielle Reiner, along with Andrea Folsom, are the co-founders of Crafting Connections, a website and quarterly digital publication for little ones and their grown-ups. Creative business women, mamas, and friends, Andrea and Danielle are doers to the core and can often be found crafting and creating with their own little ones. Connecting with the natural world through exploration, our children through creation, ourselves through focused hands, and the community through shared experience – learn more about Crafting Connections at, be inspired by us on Pinterest, and join in the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

Children’s Nighttime Drawing Journal

~:: The Coterie Blog ::~

My 3 year old has been completely enamored with drawing and coloring lately. He walks around all day with his notepad and writing utensil, “jotting” down his ideas and scribbling the pictures in his mind. It’s darling.


The other night he was asking about the journals that Matt and I have, and expressed that he wanted a journal of his own to write in when he goes to bed at night. The only slight problem is that he’s three years old and can’t spell, let alone write a journal entry. And that’s when it hit me. He can DRAW a journal entry!



ABOUT HEATHER:Heather lives a happy life as a wife and mom. She like to read and write, and finds pleasure in simple things and enjoy delicatessens and warm weather. Heather created and writes The Coterie , a blog where she posts recipes, ideas for modern moms, and the finer things in life!

Follow Heather on Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.


Piñata SMASH Cake!

~:: SaltTree ::~

Get your hammers ready, folks! This is a playful one encouraging minor parental approved destruction, candy indulgence and most importantly, FUN! I made this toy filled, pinata smash cake for my sons 2nd birthday with super bright colours, dripping icing and sprinkles (of course). It was a ‘hit’!





ABOUT AMBER: Living in Ontario, Canada, this wife and mother decided, yes, like many others, to start a blog after much ‘encouragement’ from friends. Initially, as a way to share creative ideas, hoping for honest feedback, and maybe, just maybe, inspire others.Started in March 2011, SaltTree has since grown quite an archive, an impressive following across several platforms and has been featured on dozens of websites & blogs. More than a year after its humble beginning, Amber is still stealing away little moments to create, cook and dream, camera in hand, all while chasing a toddler.
You can follow Amber on her blog, SaltTree, hang out with her on Facebook, or see what she’s inspired by on Pinterest. To follow via email, subscribe to SaltTree’s RSS feed.

Party Push-Soap Dispenser

~:: Partycraft Secrets ::~

It’s no secret that toddlers and preschoolers are often reluctant to perform the most basic of tasks; like washing their hands. Of course, they can often go the opposite way and become a bit compulsive about it all, literally working themselves up into a lather to shoo those germs away. Assuming your children are in the first camp, of well meaning but forgetful, here’s an idea that I’ve found works for us: turn the soap pump into a toy party.



My PhotoABOUT LINDA: Linda is the founder of the company (which sells ebooks and printables), the proud mother of two preschool daughters, an Architect, and happily celebrates classy craft she makes in 15 minutes or less on her blog.

You can follow Linda on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.