Mom Cave August 13 2012

BonBon Break

APPLIED YARN ::: My So Called Life and Other Lies

I have a dream, nay, an obsession bordering on pathological psychosis, of one day owning my own smallholding – a homestead big enough to grow my own food, keep my own sheep, tend my own bees and give my family the space to grow strong and explore. They say dreams come true, right? And if the universe is shifted on the power of positive thought alone then it may indeed happen (if the universe is in fact firmly moored to mammon, then I’m stuffed). Until it happens, I homestead in the way that circumstance has allowed – we do what we can with what we have.~~::Continue Reading::~~

About Debbie: Debbie is a homeschooling, homesteading, crafty Muslim mama from the UK. She loves crafting, knitting, sewing, quilting, talking about herself in third person and now, spinning. Her blog, My So Called Life and Other Lies, documents some of the things she gets up to with her family.

Follow Debbie on TwitterPinterestInstagram and Ravelry.

SUMMER DAZE ::: FrogLanding

The whale watch trips keep flying by every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I am continually amazed that I call this “work” as it is far from the job I used to do as a teacher in public schools, but no doubt about it…it qualifies as a job: marine educator. Oh, and we joke about the rest of it….snack bar girl, coffee barista, first aide responder, safety monitor, entertainer, line handler, wildlife spotter, boat crew, window washer, storyteller and island ambassador. Each day is a new adventure. Capt. Pete checks all our sources, figures out where the whales are or will be, then we get our passengers aboard, (make up to 32 new friends), andaway from the dock we go, never knowing exactly what we will find, but confident that it will be an awesome trip! These busy summer days that means, two trips a day…with lots to see and experience!

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About Nan: Nan sailed into the San Juan Islands in 1980 and the anchor is still set. She has a BA from U. of Wisconsin and education credentials from U. of Colorado. She taught at Friday Harbor Elementary School for 23 years and participated in developing the K-12 Marine Sciences Program. Living in Friday Harbor has made it easy to focus on her passionate interests in marine biology. She has been working on the water as a Marine Naturalist since 1996 and in 2004 became a USCG Licensed Captain. When not aboard the Western Prince you can find her at The Whale Museum Board meetings, teaching local children about the wonders of the marine world in their “backyard,”, cruising the Northwest waters with her husband aboard their 37’ ketch, photographing wildlife or kayaking Mexican waters in winter months.