8 Makeup Mistakes You’re Making Right Now

Jo-Lynne Shane

I grew up in southern Virginia in the eighties. Like a good Southern girl, I started wearing makeup when I was about 13 and never looked back.

I wore a ton of makeup in high school, but once I got to college in New England, I ditched the clown face and went for a more natural look. I even went through a phase in my early adulthood when I only wore face powder, blush, mascara and lipgloss.

But as I got older, the natural look just wasn’t so cute anymore. I gradually began wearing more makeup again, but I didn’t really know what I was doing.

It wasn’t until my blogging hobby started providing opportunities to get professional makeup touchups that I figured out I was making a LOT of makeup mistakes.

I’m still learning, and of course, makeup application is more art than science, but there are some basic rules that are good to know, especially as we age. Let’s face it, we can’t get away with as much as we used to.

Here are eight makeup mistakes (and some tips!) you might be making that you can fix right now.



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8 makeup mistakes you're making now by Jo-Lynne Shane


Jo-Lynne Shane is founder and editor of the award-winning lifestyle blog which bears her name, where she shares her love of style and her passion for healthy living and family travel with a highly engaged female audience. She also facilitates the vibrant networking group Philly Social Media Moms, and she is the author of The Everything Gluten-Free Breakfast and Brunch Cookbook (Adams Media). Jo-Lynne has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, iBlog Magazine, Southern Living Magazine, and online at DoctorOz.com, Cosmopolitan.com, RedbookMag.com, Elle.com, CNN.com, and WomansDay.com. She works from home in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband, three school-age children, and a terribly spoiled shih-zhu named Savannah.