I’ll Be Fine by Sellabit Mum

When we become mothers we should get a tattoo that reads “I’ll Be Fine” – because that’s what we spend the next 18 years saying. We’re usually the last to sit down, the last asleep at night, the last to eat, the last to take a minute for ourselves. When somebody asks if we need something our auto-response is “Oh I’ll be fine” because we’re so busy caring for others that we rarely think of ourselves. So when my daughter noticed this strange trend of motherhood..well she took matters into her own hands…
ABOUT TRACY: Tracy is the author of Sellabit Mum where she’s been documenting the lighter side of parenting since 2008. She is a former corporate ladder climber who is the mom of three girls and two cats, and has a motorcycling husband.When she’s not blogging, on Twitter or obsessively checking Facebook she loves photography, fashion, creative writing, bad reality TV, and trying to steal the iPad away from her toddler. You can also find Tracy on Pinterest and vlogging away on YouTube.