Because Writing is Easier Than Quitting by DesignHer Momma

I lay in bed every night, crafting words that will never be published. Wishing I was always understood by everyone, without having to say a word.
I scratch and scrub my head every morning-ish, deciding what stories to share, as if anyone really cares what I’m thinking. Tales that will mostly never get told out loud, but are always eloquently scripted in my mind, completely.
So many words and thoughts that will never get spoken in completion. Feelings that linger in my soul, that need to be dealt with entirely but will never see the light of day.
Words to songs I hate, songs that creep up into the thick of night. Lyrics I sing to my beautiful baby once the sun finally appears.
Applesauce dreams.
ABOUT EMILY: I’m Emily, the DesignHER Momma. This my space. My place. Who am I?
People call me a corporate interior designer, I like to make things look sleek and awesome. But as of recently, I find myself answering more to “Momma” than anything. I answer to it all day long.
Life is good, I’m not complaining.
You can find Emily Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.