How to Look Put Together When You Have 5 Minutes by She Just Glows
The days of the 30-minute hot shower and five outfit try-ons before you leave the house are over. It’s a new era. The era of putting both the kids in high chairs in front of the TV so you can get a four-minute shower and picking the shirt that’s least likely to show spit-up. (So what if it’s coming from the dirty clothes hamper?)
It’s called the era of parenting. And it’s truly a beautiful thing. But as a mom, I don’t always feel beautiful. I’m more like a beautiful mess. Or a hot crazy mess.
But, I’ve come up with a few quick tricks to help me look more put together when I go out for the day, even if I have just five minutes.
ABOUT JANIE: In 3, 2, 1… I went from TV news reporter to housewife and stay-at-home mama. It took me waaaaay too long to realize: I am worth it! Since then, I’ve lost 8% body fat and 25 pounds. And then, I started, where you can look for inspiring posts about fitness, clean eating and less-than-perfect parenting, all framed by an attitude of gratitude and a desire to empower you be the best version of yourself! Because you’re fabulous. And soooo worth it.
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