Gratitude, Lighthouses, Timeouts & Peanut Allergies

Middle of the Night Alarms, Kitty Litter, and Other Things I Take for Granted
~:: Structure in an Unstructured Life ::~
Some days, from the moment the alarm goes off at 5:15 AM it seems like a race to the finish line when my head hits the pillow at 10:30 PM (if I’m lucky). Days like those, it is hard to remember to be grateful. It is easy to complain about the rush, and the chaos, and the imperfection of life. It is easy to take most of life for granted.
So many parts of my life are taken for granted. But when I slow down, sometimes even the very moments I complain the most about, are actually reminders of how good I really have it; how lucky and blessed I really am.
ABOUT BETH: Beth is the creator of Structure in an Unstructured Life. She is a former elementary school teacher turned corporate trainer. She is mama to two boys and wife to a high school football coach. When she’s not learning to love the dirty, loud, and wild life of raising little boys, she enjoys blogging, writing, reading, scrapbooking, and working on slowly making her home into the ones she pins on Pinterest. You can find Beth on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Lighthouses of Atlantic Canada
~:: Gone with the Family ::~
Travelers along Canada’s Atlantic coast can’t help but be struck by the beauty of the lighthouses that served as beacons to sailors trying to safely navigate the rugged coastline. Modern electronic navigation may have made them obsolete but they still stand as important symbols in nautical history. These are a few of my favourites.
ABOUT LISA: Lisa Goodmurphy is a lawyer living near Toronto, Canada who left the corporate world to stay home with her two daughters. Badly bitten by the travel bug years ago, Lisa considers herself fortunate that her family is equally enthusiastic about exploring the world. You can read about her family’s travel adventures on her blog, Gone with the Family, on Facebook or on Twitter as @GoneWithFamily.
Time Out
~:: Naptime Writing ::~
After trying to be there to help her children navigate the ups and downs of childhood, giving them words, patiently redirecting them, and working to build their self esteem without praise or bribery, this mom is hiding in the bathroom. For as long as it takes.
ABOUT CHRISTINE: Christine from Naptimewriting is a writer and editor working from home since her eldest son’s birth. She was an English professor, a branding executive, and a yoga teacher who loved cooking and competing in triathlons. Now she’s trying to enjoy the privilege of investing her time and energy in raising her two children. When locked in the bathroom to avoid their tantrums, though, she fantasizes about a PhD program, law school, finishing her novels, and getting to pee uninterrupted.
Follow Christine on Pinterest and Twitter.
A Letter From an Annoying Peanut Allergy Mom
~:: Filling Up My Cup ::~
If your child ran in front of a moving car, I would do everything in my power to protect him. You would do the same for mine, wouldn’t you? Of course you would. If you have a child with a life threatening food allergy you understand that sending your child off to school every day can be just as anxiety provoking as watching them walk out into a busy street. If you don’t understand that connection, please read on. This letter is for you.
ABOUT JEN: Jen is a practicing school psychologist who lives in Wisconsin with her husband and two children. When she’s not complaining about the brutal Midwest winters, drinking salted caramel mochas and wondering how Justin Timberlake could have possibly chosen Jessica Biel over her, she feeds her soul by writing over at a little blog called Filling Up My Cup. Jen enjoys finding the humor in everyday situations and isn’t afraid to poke fun at herself or her sad attempts at crafting and fashion.
You can follow Jen on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.