Dirty Books, Happy Faces & Hairstyles

The Power of a Dirty Book
~:: Be Nice or Leave. Thanks. ::~
You know when you pick up a book and then the next in the series and the next and then you wake up and it’s too weeks later? That’s what happened to me when I picked up the rough and ready, incredibly sexy Rough Riders series by Lorelei James. If you like cowboys, muscles, true love and hot rodeo sex you’ll get lost in this erotic series about a family of hardbodied Wyoming cowboys and the women they love. Make sure to leave lots of time for cold showers….
ABOUT MARA: Mara Shapiro is living her dream as a social media Manager for a parenting and education resource in Canada. She loves to cook, read, practice yoga, and write lots of words. She has been a featured guest on Bonbon Break, Blogher, Huffington Post life, CTV News Channel, and has been quoted about teenagers in Brighterlife.ca, The Toronto Star, and The Huffington Post. You can find her dishing about life with teenagers at momfaze.com and sharing book reviews and inappropriate slices of life at beniceorleavethanks.com. To learn more, check out her about.me page. Ever so social, you can tweet her @chickymara, giggle with her on Facebook, and see her imaginary life on Pinterest.
Why the Happy Face?
~:: They Call Me Mummy ::~
Today, someone said to me , “You’re always smiling, always so happy.” She went on to imply that if only she had a life as perfect as mine, she would also be happy all the time. It got me thinking. I really don’t think I have more reasons than the next person to be smiling and happy. Know why? We are all in this life. We all have blessings and we all have terrible burdens.
In fact, if I had to list my burdens, it would be a long and fairly horrible list by most people’s standards. I won’t bore you with a laundry list, but suffice to say it’s not all rainbows and fairy sprinkles 24/7.
ABOUT MICHELLE: When Michelle is not drowning under a mountain of laundry, she writes commercials and yells (gently and encouragingly) at her children. She loves her three little people more than she ever believed was possible. Oh, and her house is not Pinterest-worthy.
13 Ways to Wear your Bangs
~:: Ma Nouvelle Mode ::~
Every girl has had that time. You know, the one where your bangs are in that in between length? Not cute & mostly in your face. I’ve been there too! So I have come up with 13 ways to wear your bangs. Enjoy!
ABOUT NATALIA: Natalia is a wife & a mom of two crazy boys. As an intercultural family they’re always on the move. She loves the challenge of staying girly in a house full of men.
Natalia is the founder and co-author of Ma Nouvelle Mode. She writes with Christie about encouraging woman in any stage of life or financial situation to look & feel beautiful while managing their world. Whether you’ve hit a rut, need a few ideas, or never have felt pretty, our easy tips & tutorials can help you find your own personal fabulousness.
You can find us connecting with readers on Facebook, Twitter, & a little peak into our personal lives on Instagram!