A Frenemy Named Siri by Mom’s New Stage

A Frenemy Named Siri
~:: Mom’s New Stage ::~
As a mom who lived light years outside the 1%, a personal assistant was way beyond my means. Finagling a college student to be my unpaid intern would have been time-consuming, and perhaps even unethical.
I desperately needed help. My life had begun to spin out of control. I was showing up on the wrong day for appointments. Double booking things. Sure, I could have used someone to do laundry and handle food shopping and cooking, but what I really needed was someone to handle my personal and family business. Someone to do things like make doctors’ appointments, pay bills and send e-mail messages. Someone to enter events in my calendar and keep me organized. Someone reliable and in the know, with encyclopedic access to information.
Being chaos on two legs, the organizational equivalent of a busy port-o-let on a hot summer day, had to stop.
Then I got an Iphone 5. The sleekness of it all inspired me to get my you-know-what together. And plus, I had Siri.
But as help is concerned Siri seems more Florence from The Jeffersons, than Downton Abbey’s Mr. Carson. Not exactly what I was hoping for…
ABOUT KEESHA: Keesha Beckford is a former professional dancer who is currently a master dance teacher in the Chicago area. She blogs to keep her creative juices flowing, and to explore the question “How does she do it?” for herself and other moms in the arts. Read more at Mom’s New Stage.
Follow Keesha on Facebook or Twitter.