How Much Does Our Culture Influence Women About Body Image, Fashion, Weight, Food, and Beauty? by Julie DeNeen

BonBon Break

How Much Does Our Culture Influence Women About Body Image, Fashion, Weight, Food, and Beauty?

~:: Life… According to Julie ::~

How has the cultural view of body changed over the years? (Artist ~ Fredrick Leighton)

How has the cultural view of body changed over the years?
(Artist ~ Fredrick Leighton)

The following post is a result of some intense personal reflection about my body weight and image. One day, after having a lot of negative thoughts about how I looked, I took inventory of all the surrounding influences that may have led to my negative thought patterns. I quickly realized the massive amounts of information coming at me from my own bedroom! I had lots of makeup on my dresser, fluffy hair gels, clothes in my closet that no longer fit (that I left there to guilt myself into losing weight), a bathroom scale, a dieting book, a Self magazine, weights under my bed (that I had neglected), plus a television talk show on the latest celebrity detox trend.

“What would happen if all of this disappeared? If the culture stopped screaming at me how I was to look?”

I sat down and wrote as fast as I could – trying to list every possible thing I do that somehow contributes to my ideal of what a woman should look like. It was a startling revelation to see how quickly I came up with 100 different ways the culture tells us how we are supposed to look and dress. If you struggle with loving yourself unconditionally, no matter what your weight or image, this post is for you.

Julie DeNeenABOUT JULIE DENEEN: Julie DeNeen is a full-time freelance writer, blogger, and author. She runs the Fabulous Blogging website along with an actively and lively blogging group of nearly 100 members. She’s also the author of a popular blog called Life According to Julie, which chronicles her life as a mom and wanna-be writer. When not in front of her computer, she enjoys spending time with her three kids and husband, her plethora of cats, reading anything she can get her hands on, Downton Abbey, and of course- food in any form it takes.

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