11 Things You Should Never Buy To Be Safe and To Save Money by EcoKaren

BonBon Break

11 Things You Should Never Buy To Be Safe and To Save Money

~:: EcoKaren ::~

11 Things You Should Never Buy To Be Safe and To Save Money by EcoKaren

I used to buy foods or household goods for convenience, regardless if they are safe or expensive. But I am learning to be wiser. Besides the fact that there are certain foods we should avoid  because they are unsafe, there are things I’m learning to avoid to save money.

Blackandwhite350ABOUT KAREN:  I am a retired Chiropractor-turned-green-living-consultant and a blogger.  My chiropractic background helps me to “connect the dots” in seeing the correlation between the our environment and our health. And although I have always been conscientious about how wasteful we are and how much we abuse our natural resources, I don’t view myself as an environmentalist, in the traditional sense of the word. But it does really bother me that we live in a disposable and “we-wanted-it-yesterday” society and that “quick and convenience” takes priority over the environment. I’m guilty of that sometimes too but I am trying to change in a fun and simple way, without being too radical. I don’t want to be preachy or rigid about green living. I definitely believe in the 80/20 rule. This way, if I do get lazy one day, I won’t feel too guilty.  Follow Karen on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google +.


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