10 Ways to Learn Numbers and Letters with Plastic Easter Eggs by Reading Confetti

BonBon Break

10 Ways to Learn Numbers and Letters with Plastic Easter Eggs

~:: Reading Confetti ::~

10 Ways to Learn Numbers and Letters with Plastic Easter Eggs by Reading Confetti

My favorite way to teach basic concepts to my two preschoolers is by playing fun and simple games. We’ve recently been practicing number and letter recognition using things from around the house. Here are ten activities that teach numbers and letters using plastic Easter eggs:

1. Filling Easter Eggs

Number Version: Use stickers or permanent marker to number the Easter eggs. Have kids put the corresponding number of small objects into each (We used small candies.)

Letter Version: Label the eggs with letters and provide…

ABOUT LORIE: Lorie is a reading specialist turned SAHM to a toddler and a preschooler.  She blogs about fun activities and crafts based on children’s literature.

You can find her on her blog, Reading Confetti, on Facebook, or onGoogle +.





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