The Big Reveal – Goodwill Chair by While Wearing Heels

A few weeks ago, from across a crowded Goodwill, my eyes locked on a beautiful chair. In disbelief, I noticed the $3.99 price tag. This chair’s fate was sealed and I brought her home.
When my husband came home from work, I proudly showed off my new chair and he responded, ‘oh, you bought a chair’. He obviously was not impressed.
A coat of white furniture paint, some new Tiffany blue fabric and a few weeks later, there is no denying her beauty now.
ABOUT AMY: Amy, from While Wearing Heels, suffers from a severe form of Crafter Attention Deficit Disorder SO does her blog. She finds herself doing a lot of tutorials. What sort of a tutorial really depends on the week (crafts, hair, home decor, how to extract a bento box cup from your dog after she has eaten one). She likes to share things she thinks are interesting or helpful and hopes to get that across with a few laughs thrown in.
Join the good times and ideas with Amy on Pinterest or Facebook.