The 5 Best Baby Food Recipes by Green 4 U

The 5 Best Baby Food Recipes by Green
~:: Green 4 U ::~
Today we worry about feeding our kids “real” and healthy food when they are in school. It all starts when they are babies getting them ready to eat delicious fresh food. Here are five simple, easy, inexpensive, and fresh recipes for baby food you can make your child to get them ready to eat a lifetime of amazing food that did not come from a can or a jar.
ABOUT LEIGH: Leigh Garofalow is a mother of two children and was born an environmentalist. She writes two blogs: Green4U giving green living tips to the average person and What I Want My Kids To Know , a blog of thoughts and advice to her kids. Follow her on Twitter @Greenforu and Like her blog on Facebook at Green4u Blog.