Teaching Kids Conflict Resolution by A Mom with a Lesson Plan

If you have two kids (like I do) you are bound to have conflicts. Come to think of it, if you have six kids or four kids or ten kids or one kid… you are bound to have conflicts! One of the priceless lessons I learned in my early childhood classes was conflict resolution for kids. What I didn’t know back then was that this technique would become a huge part of my teaching and then parenting life
Conflict resolution is simple. It eliminates the emotion and focuses on the real problem using seven simple steps. It allows for everyone to be heard (because most of the time that’s what matters most) and it allows for everyone to have a say.
In the beginning conflict resolution takes quite a bit of parent interaction but once the kids have the hang of it, you can step back a bit and let them take control of their own conflicts. The bonus of this technique is that you don’t have to know what was happening before you walked up and you don’t have to be in charge of a solution.
Are you ready to give conflict resolution a try with your kids? I’ve made a printable of the seven steps to make it even easier.

ABOUT JILLIAN: Jillian Riley is a writer who focuses most of her creative energy into her playful learning, playful parenting blog A Mom with a Lesson Plan. She is mom to an 8-year-old son and a 7-year-old daughter. Jillian is passionate about kid activities, learning and creativity! Find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google.