Space Eggs Easter Craft for Kids

Are you gearing up for Easter yet? We are and I’m starting to get a little bored of the pretty pastel eggs – for the first few weeks in the supermarket the pale pinks, greens, blues and yellows of the plastic eggs plus bunnies and flowers are super cute after all the Snow themed winter things. But now it’s getting closer I bored of them so love hunting out new ways to decorate our eggs and finding ways that my eldest would be interested in and able to do can be a challenge as he’s not quite up to creating egg characters YET! He loves everything space related and being able to combine his love of Space with Easter is a huge bonus.
Space Easter Eggs are made from wooden eggs, but you could easily use paper mache or even blown eggs of your own to create the eggs as the effect would be the same. Imagine that fun that can be had creating the final space dust on the eggs – it’s going to be messy, it’s got to be fun.