Travel with mamawolfe: The Simple Life in Nicaragua

BonBon Break

Simple Life in Nicaragua with mamawolfeThere is something to be said about the simple life in Nicaragua. Every morning here starts out the same: I wake up, roll out of bed, and pad outside with my journal to listen to the morning sounds of doves cooing, roosters crowing and coffee percolating. If I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine I was home – except for climbing out of a sweaty bunk bed tangled in mosquito netting, swinging in a hammock, and the scent of burnt debris, it is eerily similar to Davis. And that’s when reality sets in. 

SPECIAL FEATURE: Jennifer has written an extraordinary collection of posts about her experience before, during and after her trip. To see the entire collection, click here.

ABOUT JENNIFER: When not teaching or mothering her tween and teen, Jennifer Wolfe enjoys writing, blogging, volunteering, traveling, skiing and reading. A native Californian, she enjoys the beach as well as the mountains for relaxation.

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