Shut Up. Yep, that’s what I said. by Ice Scream Mama

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Shut Up - Yep That's What I Said by Ice Scream Mama

Ever say something you wished you didn’t say? That somehow you could pull the offending words back in? That no one heard? It’s terrible when our mouth is faster than our brain, and it’s even worse when it happens while speaking to our children…

Ice Cream Mama AlisaABOUT ALISA: Alisa Schindler is freelance writer who chronicles the sweet and bittersweet of life in the suburbs on her highly entertaining blog, Ice Scream Mama.  Her essays have been featured on and BonBon Break, as well as in the book, “Life Well Blogged”. She is a member of Yeah Write, an on-line writer’s community, where she has won the Jury Prize multiple times in their weekly essay writing contest. She has just completed her first novel that she feels comfortable sharing with someone other than her mother.

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