Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids to Write Thank You Letters

Cerys Parker

One of the joys of having children is watching their faces when they receive a letter through the mail, whether it’s through a letterbox landing on your door mat or from the mailbox. Children love seeing their name on the front of the envelope. It always brings a smile to their faces and they can’t wait to find out what’s inside. That joy of receiving mail continues no matter what age you are, and receiving a handwritten letter of thanks or  even just a “Hello, we are missing you”note, can mean the world.

No matter what age your children are, they can and should send thank you letters to a friends and relatives. All you need are writing materials (pens, pencils, crayons etc.), paper, envelope and a stamp for the envelope. Depending on the age of your child and their ability, there are lots of different ways that you could send a Thank You letter.

Toddlers and Pre-Writing Preschoolers

It doesn’t matter that your child can’t write a letter: there are two ways to send the letter. One way is with a picture. They could create a collage or shapes, use stickers or draw a picture and then ask then to write a message on the reverse of the picture.

Sending letters of thanks with preschoolers and toddlers - early writing

The other option when they are older and able to make marks on a page to represent words, is for them to “write” a letter and then for you to transcribe what they say to include in the envelope – a page of scribbles and swirls in lines is showing that your child is making progress towards writing, especially when accompanied by the letter that you wrote on their behalf.

Preschoolers and Kindergarteners Who are Starting to Write

With children who are learning to write, combining pictures, writing and your deciphering of their words can get the message across. Include a simple sentence to say thank you for taking them to the park, building a LEGO model or for a present that they received or even just a “Thank you for being my Nana” – when included with a picture of the thought, event or person, will make the recipient’s day.

Older Children

As a child gets older, it’s important to continue the tradition of writing thank you letters, or just a note to say that they are thinking of someone – if you child loves drawing, they could draw a fun picture and write a message for that person. If they love computers, get them to use computer software to create an image for the letter or to write the letter,  then doodle around it. If photography is their thing, hand over the camera or phone for them to snap a photo then print it out for them to use as a postcard.

You can also make your own fun envelopes if you’re feeling creative. Get your child to decorate it with stickers or more drawings to personalise it. Writing thank you letters can be fun and do not have to be a chore!



Teach your kids fun ways to write thank you letters

Cerys Parker is a marine biologist and teacher as well as a Mum to 2, she is the founder of Rainy Day Mum, sharing Creative Family Fun, come rain or shine inspiring ideas for art, play and activities that the whole family can enjoy together.