Roses are Red by Flour Arrangements

Roses are Red
~:: Flour Arrangements ::~
My daughter Tessa has been asking me to make cake pops for about a year. I’m usually game to experiment in the kitchen, but whenever she brought up the subject of cake pops, I always found some excuse to put her off. For some reason, the idea of baking a cake just to crumble it up and wad it into balls seemed strange and unappealing to me. The other thing that got me was this: every time I looked up instructions for making cake pops, I read that I should bake a boxed cake mix and open a can of prepared frosting. I love to bake from scratch, so these first steps always deterred me. I see now that my objections are pretty lame: nothing was stopping me from substituting whatever cake and frosting that I wanted.
ABOUT SUZANNE: Suzanne focuses on food as centerpiece for both everyday routines and special occasions. Each recipe featured on Flour Arrangements, from simple loaves of bread to fondant decorated birthday cakes, comes with a story that blends life with cooking. You can follow Suzanne on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.