Poetry is Perfect for Moms! by Suburban Haiku

BonBon Break

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Still with me? Still skeptical? That’s OK, I plan to win you over. The truth is, poetry is perfect for moms. You may not have time for that stack of reads piled on your nightstand since who-knows-when (maybe you ought to dust it, by the way), but you have time for a poem. In the carpool line, on your iPhone, in the kitchen when you’re sneaking a cookie: Dip in, dip out, it’s all good.

Poetry can get to the point. It can be accessible. It can be relevant. It can be about you. Check out Blythe Jewell at Something Smells Like Pee, and Carlotta Stankiewicz at The Well-Versed Mom and you’ll see what I mean.

Suburban Poetry is Perfect for Moms! by Suburban Haiku

Still not convinced poetry is really for you? What if I told you that you can turn even the most mundane, the most boring, the worst part of your day into something . . . well, poetic? Who wouldn’t want to do that? Let’s have a look at a few Suburban Haiku:

Just tidying up

before the cleaning lady

who is also me.


Two cups of coffee

wake me up enough to ask

“Did I have coffee?”


Today is the day

I gun it on this speed hump!

Shoot. No it isn’t.


That was painless, wasn’t it? Actually, maybe it stings a little. But you have to laugh, too. Poetry is a magical multitasker: so few words, so many feels.

So, are you convinced? Poetry is there– everywhere you look, and any time you need a treat. Happy Poetry Month, everyone!

***NOTE from Val: Make sure you grab a copy of Peyton’s new book “Suburban Haiku” for a witty, refreshing and poetic look at life in suburbia. Click here to get a copy of Suburban Haiku: Poetic Dispatches from Behind the Picket Fence! This is the perfect hostess gift.***

Peyton Price ABOUT PEYTON: Peyton Price is the author of Suburban Haiku: Poetic Dispatches From Behind The Picket Fence. Suburban Haiku is the story of your life, in 17-syllable snippets. Peyton lives in suburbia (of course) with her long-commuting husband (of course) and two above-average children (of course). She leaves a key under the mat for you at Suburban Haiku.


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