Lamp Hack: How to Make Any Lamp Cordless by View Along the Way
There’s a common problem in interior design that no one talks about. It’s all very hush-hush, you see. It’s the problem of the lamp cord. (Yep, I said it.)
Everyone always wants to pretend like they can just plop their desk right in the middle of the room and not have to worry about lamp cords, but it’s time to confront the issue, get it out in the open and fix it!
We found a simple, inexpensive way to make any lamp run on batteries. Say buh-bye to pesky lamp cords forEVER!
ABOUT KELLY: Kelly writes at View Along the Way, where she chronicles her family’s attempts to fix up a crusty old foreclosure on the tiniest of budgets. It’s inspiration sprinkled with silliness, because a little bit of self-deprecating humor makes tackling DIY projects at least 23 percent easier!
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