Spring in Winter: DIY Spring Magnets by Thistle & Leaves
Spring in Winter: DIY Spring Magnets
~:: Thistle & Leaves ::~
Even for those of us who love winter the long cold months can seem to drag on and we find ourselves wishing for that hint of spring green outside. What better way to stave off those grey days than to sprinkle a little “spring” around your living space with these DIY spring magnets? Easy and fun to make you can dot the world around you with flowers.
ABOUT NICOLE: Nicole is an avid creator. She loves making things and sharing how with people. It was this passion that spurred the idea of starting her own lifestyle blog with focuses on travel, photography and Do-It-Yourself projects. Nothing excites her more than exploring something or someplace new. A love for photography led her to The Dallas Makerspace, where she runs their Darkroom, PR and Craftroom Committees. She also enjoys reading, writing, crochet, hand embroidery, and a good ol’ adventure.
Follow Nicole on Facebook, Twitter, Thistle and Leaves.