Kids’ Birthday Interviews by Layers of Learning

Kids’ Birthday Interviews
~:: Layers of Learning ::~
When I was thirteen I wrote down my ideas about my dream wedding. I wanted pink and white, but mostly pink, decorations, a world tour for a honeymoon, pig in a blanket and pizza on the menu, and I thought my Dad, who is not a preacher, but was the center of my world, should officiate.
I love that piece of paper! I love catching a glimpse of my thirteen year old self! I love where I was and I love how even though pig in a blanket was not on the wedding menu and our honeymoon was limited to the San Juan Islands, when I did get married I still had a dream wedding. I had grown and this little piece of paper proved it.
Moms you have got to write this stuff down. Pictures are great, but for a real snapshot you need more. So here’s how to do it . . .
ABOUT KAREN AND MICHELLE: Karen and Michelle, sisters, run a homeschool curriculum company on their Layers of Learning site where they blog about teaching, training, feeding, and corralling their little charges. Karen has a degree in education and Michelle has a degree in biology, but for both of them their professional life is raising kids and doing it well. Karen is the nice one. Michelle has never ever liked pink.
Find them on Pinterest, where Karen pins like mad, on Facebook, which we have a love hate relationship with, on Google+ where we’re still wondering if there are more than ten other people, and through our RSS feed, so you can take advantage of all the hundreds of hours we put into making lessons, crafts, and printables only to give them away for free.