ASK DR. G: Kids and Thank You Notes
Thank you notes.
I’m not a mom who makes kids write thank you notes for every gift received at a birthday party. I’m a mom who means to make her kids do that, but only sometimes remembers, and instead uses up energy feeling guilty about it. I do believe, though, in teaching kids to write a great thank you note – and to surprise people with them after great moments.
So, as the end of the school year approaches, grab your child and ten minutes – maybe while waiting for a sibling to finish an afterschool activity or while in the doctor’s waiting room for a camp physical – and challenge him to write a great thank you note to a teacher that made a difference this year.
What makes a great thank you note?
Three sentences. That’s all. One thank you, one compliment, and one hope for the future. Watch, and you’ll see my six year old try.
ABOUT Dr. G: Deborah Gilboa, MD is a Family Physician, mom of 4 boys, international speaker, and author. She developed the “3 R’s of Parenting” to empower parents to raise respectful, responsible, and resilient kids. Her new book released September 2014, Get the Behavior You Want… Without Being the Parent You Hate! She is a frequent contributor to ABC, CBS, WQED, Huffington Post, Parenting Magazine, and others. Check out her free downloadable tools to make your parenting more effective!
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