Just a Second!!! by My Twice Baked Potato
Just a Second!!!
~:: My Twice Baked Potato ::~
It wasn’t until later in life, that I joined the “parenting club.” Most days, I am thrilled to be a member. I love the sound of “Mama” even in the middle of the night after a bad dream.
My boy’s sense of humor, creative thinking and kind heart are gifts that I would have missed if I hadn’t taken that leap of faith into parenthood!
I miss the sweet and short-lived footy pajama years, but I love the person that my precious son has become. Having said that, there are “issues” that are extremely annoying! You know the ones that I’m talking about…
ABOUT KELLY: Kelly is a mother, blogger, writer, and working elementary teacher. She started her blog My Twice Baked Potato as a way of educating others about twice-exceptional children. Although her son doesn’t share all of her interests (entertaining, Twitter, and reality TV), they share a love of games, animals, and fancy hotels.
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