I’m Not a Bitch and Neither Are You by You Know it Happens at Your House Too

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Im Not a Bitch and Neither Are You by You Know It Happens at Your House Too

There are words that are meant as terms of endearment. Words like lover, cupcake, honey, sweetie, shmoopie. These are all words that we use to show those that we truly care about that we love them. That they are important to us. That they hold a place in our heart.

There are also words that we would never imagine using as terms of endearment. Words considered so vile and disgusting that we would never even imagine using them in a public setting, especially towards those that we love.

It seems as if a grey area has developed. A place where being offensive has become a way to show our friends how awesome they are. Where we should accept being called a bitch.

Why do we feel that we must accept it?


Small Pic for BlogABOUT TARA: Tara of You Know it Happens at Your House Too is the mother of five young kids, wife to one hard working farmer. In her free time she wipes butts and noses and cleans the same spot in her kitchen over and over again. She has completely forgotten what it is like to do anything alone. Tara lives in Kansas with her husband, Farmer Bob, and her five children. She is a contributor to the best selling anthology I Just Want to Pee Alone. You can also find her ignoring her kids on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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