I Blame Television by My Skewed View

As a mom, you obviously want to make the best decisions when it comes to your kids. I thought that limiting television for my young son was the best decision I could make for his growing brain. But as he got older, I realized I was in danger of creating a kid who couldn’t relate to his friends, because he couldn’t speak their television language. It was never my intention to raise the kid who didn’t watch TV. As a child who was raised on 70’s and 80’s television, it seemed as though the programming today was fraught with fast paced – in your face, sometimes violent animation or defiant children and bumbling parents.
What if you can’t control what goes in your children’s brain? What then?
ABOUT JEN: Jen Kehl is a writer, who homeschools her 8-year-old son. She has become an expert on Sensory Processing Disorder, Tic Disorders and Severe Allergies and often writes about advocating for your children instead of passively listening to the establishment. When she’s not writing about that, she writes about music, life, and her son’s obsession with pyrotechnics and world domination (and sometimes her own obsession with John Cusack). She blogs at My Skewed View and is a contributor to the anthology The Mother of All Meltdowns available on Amazon.
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