How To Recover From A Mommy Meltdown
I lost it today.
Between the stress of moving, living in a temporarily empty house that magnifies the boys’ all-ready-too-loud-bickering voices, and handling the roller coaster of emotions that is going back to work after enjoying almost 3 years as a stay-at-home Mom, I just lost it.
I cried in the kitchen, the family room, and the bathroom. I toured a child care center with puffy, blood-shot eyes and a you will never be good enough for my kid attitude. I picked fights with my husband and yelled at my kids. I was feeling bad, so I behaved as I felt.
Why am I sharing this with you, a stranger who just happened across this blog one day?
Because I’m a normal Mama and I totally had a meltdown. I believe that every Mama’s have meltdowns now and again.
Meltdowns happen to everyone and for me, they are usually due to a build-up of stress, exhaustion, and emotion. I knew I was overwhelmed and I knew I needed to find a way to not only recover from my meltdown, but also find ways to help prevent them in the future.
So, I’ve discovered 10 tips to handle Mommy Meltdowns.