Do you love sensory play activities and sensory art with the kids too? We never seem to get enough of it at our house. Exploring and learning through our senses is just fun. When an upcoming project I had planned involved salt, I just knew I had to have Rainbow Colored Salt. All the bright colors would just make it more exciting. This gave us the chance to talk about color recognition as well. Today I am sharing how I made Rainbow Colored Salt with you. You will be amazed how easy and low cost this process is. You can even get the kids to help if you would like!

ABOUT JAIME: Hi, I am Jaime. I traded in my medical career to be a stay at home mommy to 3 full of energy boys (ages 1 to 5 years). I am married to my best friend and we have been together for 15 years and still in love. We live here in Georgia and love our southern roots(ssh don’t tell my kids I was born a Yankee;) We love crafting, baking, simple activities, going on new adventures, and well just having fun. When I am not chasing the kids around and trying to work on my ever growing laundry pile you can find me here on my blog where I share mostly kid crafts and activities. I do love sharing childrens books and other products we love with a few other things from time to time.Random facts: I hoard recyclables for the next project idea, could spend all day at the Dollar Tree or a craft store, enjoy taking pictures, love taking the kids on new and familiar adventures, and love movie date night with my hubby.
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