Growing Backyard Bananas by Little Eco Footprints

BonBon Break

Growing Backyard Bananas

~:: Little Eco Footprints ::~

bananasBananas are one of my favorite backyard fruit. The rows of perfectly uniform blemish-free bananas you see at the supermarket come at a huge cost. Here in Australia, about 100,000 tonnes of perfectly edible bananas are thrown out each year because they don’t pass the supermarkets’ ruthless shape, size, and appearance test. Thankfully growing backyard bananas is easy if you live in the right climate.

tricia ABOUT TRICIA: Tricia dreams of living a simple life, being close to nature, having space to grow food, and having a teeny little ecological footprint. She writes at Little eco footprints about learning to live with less and works full time in plant conservation. Most days she lives a far from simple life but is usually content as long as she spent time with her family and in nature. She is in the middle of moving from a small urban block to a rural property.

Follow Tricia on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.


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