9 Things Potty-Training Toddlers Do In Public by Baby Rabies

As any parent who has been through it knows, potty training is an adventure and one best handled with a good sense of humor. Also, expect the unexpected!
And if you haven’t been through this parenting rite-of-passage yet, Jill of Baby Rabies helps you prepare by offering a heads-up on 9 embarrassing things potty training toddlers are likely to do…in public.
Enjoy Jill’s very entertaining post and then add to her list with your own funny potty-training moments!
This is Jill’s first appearance on BonBon Break. Please join us in welcoming Jill to the Family Room.

ABOUT JILL: Jill Krause is the voice behind Baby Rabies, a blog she started when her baby fever became serious. Now a mother of 3, she writes honestly and a little too openly about pregnancy, parenthood, and all the moments in life she has to laugh at or she just might cry into a bottle of wine.
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