Frame a Place to Hang Your Keys! by Redfly Creations

Frame a Place to Hang Your Keys
~:: Redfly Creations ::~
Picture this scene: It’s time to head out the door to take the kids to school. Everyone finally has their shoes on, backpacks on their backs, and lunch boxes in their hands. They are beginning to head out the door. You reach to pick up your keys… can’t find them! You run around the house trying to remember who had them last and where they were. Finally, after about 10 minutes, you find them, but now everyone is going to be late. On your drive to school you determine this is not going to happen again. It is time to find a solution for the floating keys problem. Well, you are in luck! That’s exactly what this project is for. It is a quick and easy solution for keeping track of your keys.
ABOUT MELISSA: Melissa Whitcher is a stay-at-home mom to her three wonderful children and husband. She lives in Northern Texas and loves to create. As an outlet for the constant ideas going around in her head, she started Redfly Creations in 2011. Redfly Creations is a blog to help you make everything in your life more more organized, practical and beautiful.