Fall Leaves, Popcorn and Turkeys

BonBon Break

Family Crafting: Fun with Fall Leaves

~:: Simple As That ::~

This past week, Fall seems to have come into full bloom in our part of the world! The landscapes are gorgeous filled with deep reds, yellows and oranges as the trees change colour. We couldn’t help but want to bring some of the beauty of Fall indoors with a simple family fall craft project!

Follow along as we create a simple fall leaf bunting in five easy steps + have some of your own family fun along the way!

ABOUT REBECCA: I am a 33 year old wife & mother of four & our little family recently returned home to Canada after living on a tiny island in the Dutch Caribbean. I enjoy doing crafts, especially with my kids and I’m an avid scrapbooker & professional photographer.

Since this blog began in 2005, my philosophy has always been to try and keep things simple,
 but it wasn’t until our time spent living on a remote island that I really had to put these simple ideas into practise in a very real sense.
In meeting my need to be creative with a very limited amount of resources available to me,

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed creating simple craft projects using easy to find supplies & the very basic items I had on hand. While browsing my blog you’ll find a variety of simple craft projects, easy to follow photography tips & my thoughts on life & scrapbooking, among other fun stuff like giveaways!

Follow Rebecca on Facebook | TwitterPinterest

Multi-colored Popcorn Kernels

~:: Little Monster ::~

This is a great indoor activity for your active, curious toddlers. While we were stuck inside waiting for Super storm Sandy, I found myself trying to find fun things to keep him occupied.

He loved dried beans and would sit pouring them in and out of bowls for over an hour. So, when I spotted a large bag of unused popcorn kernels, inspiration hit. We filled an afternoon coloring and playing with these sparkly, colorful beads. Since you color them inside of zip lock bags, messiness is not and issue too!

Rowan had just as much fun coloring the kernels as he did playing with them. This reinforced the age old idea that kids really don’t need fancy toys with bells and whistles to have a great time. Enjoy!

Lisa Fyfe is a mom, graphic designer, blogger and Etsy shop owner. When she was pregnant with their first child, life changed twenty-fold. After living in New York City for over 15 years, she left her job as Art Director of a book publishing company to move to a small town on the shoreline of Connecticut. Soon after, she had their baby and center of gravity, Rowan now 22 months old. Nothing about her life is recognizable. She is exhausted most of the time, and loving every minute of it.

You can find Lisa at her blog, Little Monster, and Etsy shop, Little Monster Shop. Also, find her on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest.

Gratitude Turkey

~:: Little Family Fun ::~

It’s that time of year again…..time for our annual Gratitude Turkey! This is a fun Thanksgiving tradition we do all throughout the month of November. Like you, we are very blessed with many wonderful things in our lives–big & small. It’s fun to spend time as a family remembering all our amazing blessings!


ABOUT LINDA: Linda is a blogger and mother of three. She loves coming up with simple, easy, and creative ways to have fun with her young children. Her blog, Little Family Fun, is an inspiring resource for parents, grandparents, teachers, and anyone else looking for activities preschoolers will love. You can also follow Little Family Fun on Facebook, and Pinterest .

Thanksgiving Art–Handprint Family Portrait

~:: Blog Me Mom ::~

You know you are going to do a turkey hand print this Thanksgiving. How about making it a family affair or even an annual tradition? Give thanks for your wonderful family and make a family hand print wall art while connecting with your kids.




ABOUT SUJA: Suja is a mother of a preschool girl and a toddler girl who love wildlife, art, messy and pretend play. She started her blog, Blog Me Mom along with her childhood friend and a mom of 2 girls as an outlet from the usual mayhem.  We are strong believers of child-directed hands on learning.

Follow us for more play ideas on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter.