Hey kids, don’t stick your tongue in there m’kay? by The Bearded Iris

BonBon Break

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Hey kids, don't stick your tongue in there m'kay? by the Bearded Iris

Damn. Parenting is hard.

Every day is a veritable obstacle course of responsibilities and decisions.

And just when you feel like you’ve gotten one part of parenting down because nobody got a cavity this year or burned down the house with their new chemistry set, something else goes horribly wrong. It’s the Murphy’s Law of Parenting. 

Like that time I finally decided to let my baby “cry it out” for the first time, only to discover he had a raging fever.

Or the time I chose to purposely stretch out my toddler’s immunization schedule and as a result he contracted the worst case of Chicken Pox my pediatrician had seen in twenty years.

Let’s face it, you just can’t put your kid in a bubble and protect them from every danger out there.

But at least I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that my kids weren’t being exposed to BPA in their water bottles! That’s right, I finally plunked down the big bucks on fancy-schmancy stainless steel water bottles for all three of my children so they wouldn’t have to hydrate themselves with substandard plastic water bottles full of petrochemical-based carcinogens.

Only, the joke is on me, because according to the news recently, even those water bottles are putting my children at risk…of accidental death or dismemberment!

clickToContinueThe Bearded IrisABOUT LESLIE: Leslie Marinelli is a writer, wife, mother of three, toilet humor aficionada, and transplanted Pittsburgher trapped in the suburbs of Atlanta. She is the Editor-in-Chief of In The Powder Room and blogs at The Bearded Iris: A Recalcitrant Wife and Mother Tells All. Leslie is an Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop Humorist of the Month, a BlogHer Humor Voice of the Year for 2013 and 2012, and a Babble Top 100 Mom Blogger of 2011. She is also the editor and co-author of the #1 Amazon top-rated and best-selling women’s humor anthology, “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.” Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter @TheBeardedIris.

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