Chocolate Peppermint Blossoms by Bake at 350

Chocolate Peppermint Blossoms
~:: Bake at 350 ::~
‘Tis the season. Carols, mistletoe, fat pants.
{Sorry…Mr. E doesn’t like the term “fat pants.” *YOGA pants* See, now they sound cute.}
Anyway, here’s a little recipe to make you want to run for your, um, yoga pants. The cookie is a little brownie-like, and topped with that perfect Hershey’s Kiss. Chewy, chocolatey, minty…mint always makes dessert so refreshing. Like, I could eat 12 of these cookies, and it’s really just like freshening my breath.
Cookie, Tic Tac…whatever.
ABOUT BRIDGET: Bridget Edwards is the creator of the baking blog, Bake at 350, and author of Decorating Cookies: 60+ Designs for Holidays, Celebrations & Everyday (Lark Crafts, Fall 2012). A self-taught cookie decorator, Bridget shares the secrets to decorating cookies on her blog. You’ll find cookie designs ranging from pink poodles to fried chicken (!) to Don Draper. She lives in Texas with her husband, son and two kitties.
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