Voices for Change – by Sarah Dille

It is time for parents, teachers and students to demand changes in our educational system. When more of us write and speak and act, real change can happen. If we really believe that the system we currently have isn’t the best one, if we really value learning over high-stakes assessment, learning over meaningful grades, a whole-child approach instead of a load of meaningless homework, then we need to start talking. Loudly. For change. I’m not the only one writing and advocating. There are many voices for change.
ABOUT SARAH: Sarah Dille is a mother, teacher and writer. She blogs about the magical mundane of parenting and the pressing issues parents should think about in bringing change to our educational system. She believes in learning above all else. Her writing has been published on The New York Times Motherlode Blog, Huffington Post Parents, BlogHer Moms, Brain, Mother blog and Great Moments in Parenting.
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