Books for Your Favorite Little Valentine!

BonBon Break

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The season of love (and paper) is here! You know February 14th is Valentine’s Day.  Did you also know it’s International Book Giving Day?  You do now!  There is no better way to celebrate with your littlest loves than cuddling up with a book about snuggles, hugs, kisses, friendship and all things related to the heart.  Here are a few of my favorite choices!

Books for Your Favorite Little Valentine!

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BethTopHdABOUT BETH:Beth Panageotou is the brains and muscle behind the Mission Read campaign, an organic grassroots literacy campaign stressing the “need to read!” She is also co-founder of Page’s Corner, and the Editor of the Library, here at Bonbon Break. She is an information junkie with an obsession with seashells from the Jersey shore, secretly wishes to be JB Fletcher and loves the constant chaos of life with her two daughters. Bucket list item: to be on Sesame Street.

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 This post was written by Beth Panageotou exclusively for Bonbon Break Media, LLC.