“Am I King?” by My Twice Baked Potato

BonBon Break

“Am I King?”

~:: My Twice Baked Potato ::~

As a defense mechanism, my son often appears arrogant. Most people would be surprised at how truly sensitive he is and how unsure he feels as he walks through this world.

“I work so hard to impress you!” I hear this from my socially-awkward, sensory-overloaded boy when he is close to “the edge.” This is my clue to remind him of his extraordinary value to us and others.

Recently, I almost missed out on one of my most important parenting moments. I am glad that I noticed his needs and reassured him in a way that I hadn’t before…

ABOUT KELLY: Kelly is a mother, blogger, writer, and working elementary teacher.  She started her blog (http://mytwicebakedpotato.com) as a way of educating others about twice-exceptional children. Although her son doesn’t share all of her interests (entertaining, Twitter, and reality TV), they share a love of games, animals, and fancy hotels.