3 Ways to Encourage Active Play with LEGOs

Active play is essential for healthy kids. In fact, experts recommended that all children play actively for 60 minutes each day.
If you are looking for some new ways to inspire movement for your children, turn to your toy box for inspiration. You can repurpose toys for exciting, active fun. To get your imagination going, here are three simple activities you can do with your LEGO collection!
Don’t worry—you don’t need anything fancy for these activities. You just need the following:
- A pile of LEGOs
- A safe space for active play
- A stopwatch or timer (for game three)
- Masking Tape (for game three)
Get your construction bricks out, and you’re ready to encourage active play. These activities are fun, so jump in and join your child. You’ll both enjoy yourselves and be active while playing.
Game 1: The Shuffle Build
Did you ever have to do a shuffle run in gym class? We’re going to recreate that experience, except we’ll make it better because this shuffle build isn’t all about running. It’s about building and creating. The exercise is just a bonus!
Set Up
You’ll need a long hallway, or an open stretch of space outside to play. Take 20 random LEGO pieces and spread them out along your play area. Space them out about five feet apart if possible (if not, make the distance shorter as needed to fit your space).
The Play
Have your child start at one end of the hall. Instruct him or her to run to the first LEGO piece and bring it back to the starting line. The child should carefully set the piece down, and then run and get the next piece.
When they bring the second piece back to the starting line, the goal is to connect the piece to the first. Play continues until all 20 pieces are connected.
What did your child build? Reward the run with some free build time.
Game 2: The Boot Camp Build
This game combines basic core muscle exercises with building fun. You get to take turns playing drill sergeant for this activity!
Set Up
Place your LEGOs in the middle of an open space. You’ll want to make sure there’s plenty of room for moving all around them.
The Play
The sarge instructs the builder to complete five reps of a named exercise. Once completed successfully, your child takes a piece of his or her choice and starts a build. Then, the builder and the sergeant switch roles. Continue until all pieces are connected.
Exercises that work well include jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, wall push-ups, and squats.
Game 3: The Build and Race
The goal of this game is simple. Build a vehicle with LEGOs and run from the building station to the finish line.
Set up
You’ll need a building area and a finish line. Place the LEGOs in the building area (a table works well!). For the finish line, use masking tape to mark a line on the ground.
The Play
The first builder takes his or her spot at the building table. The timer starts the stopwatch and yells, “Build!” The builder uses his or her imagination to create a vehicle out of the available LEGOs.
Once the construction part is finished, the builder starts running. He or she tries to get across the finish line with the best time possible. Switch roles and play again.
This post was written by Lisa Tanner exclusively for BonBon Break Media LLC.
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