9 Reasons to Garden with Your Kids by Adventurous Moms

BonBon Break

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9 Reasons to Garden with Your Kids by Adventurous Moms

Kids love being outdoors, covered in dirt and mud and worms. Gardens are a great way to channel their natural curiosity into a fun activity! Unlike many activities, gardening is not limited to a particular age group. Older kids can help plan and design the garden, prepare the soil, plant seeds, weed, water, and harvest the vegetables. Younger kids can do most, if not all of these garden chores as well. Even toddlers can help plant seeds and water growing vegetables. Gardening is truly an activity the entire family can enjoy.

Have you been thinking about starting a garden with the kids? Here are nine great reasons why you should!

clickToContinueJen Adventurous MomsABOUT JEN: Jen and her wife Kendra are raising their three young children just outside of Boston, Massachusetts. On her blog, Adventurous Moms, Jen writes about their travels, outdoor adventures and life as gay moms. Jen’s writing has also been featured on theBump, National Park Foundation, Travel Mamas, FamiliesGO!, VillageQ and Equallyfamily.

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photo credit: Chiot’s Run via photopin cc