4 Things I Learned on My Solo Vacation

I recently took my first ever solo vacation. Just me, myself and I and ALL of us had a wonderful time. I went to Red Mountain Resort in Utah, which might now be at the top of my, “Favorite Places Ever” list, along with my bed and the wine aisle. It’s all about health, wellness, knowledge and being mindful.
I met some super sweet women, ate delicious food, slept and worked out. It was amazing. Not only did I have a wonderful time, I learned a LOT, about my body (including my butt), my mind, food, sleep, people and my limits.
Here are some of the top takeaways from my trip. Hopefully, they’ll help you, whether in your daily life or on a solo vacation.
4 Things I Learned on my Solo Vacation
Mindful eating is easy
Mindful eating is all about no longer mindlessly shoveling food in your mouth, searching your plate for the next bite while you’re still chewing, but thinking about the food in your mouth, while you eat. It’s about slowing down and appreciating your food, exploring the tastes and textures and “being in the now” while you eat. Stop thinking about your to-do list or the fact that you need to shave your legs (I added that because, while I can mindfully eat, I can’t mindfully write and I need to shave my legs). One morning, I mindfully ate my weight in bacon. I thought about the bacon, I loved the bacon and I enjoyed every moment. I can learn!
Understand the company you keep
Because so many of us were traveling solo, they had a community dining table each night, to encourage meeting others. I spent my first night at the community table, raving about the bread, being the only one who ordered a glass of wine and requesting two desserts, (they’re really small desserts people). As I was eating my (first) dessert, people started talking about why they were at the resort and I found out, everyone at the table was there on a weight loss retreat. So, I’m sure they really appreciated my gushing about the carb-loaded bread, enjoying my wine and ordering a second dessert. Know your company.
When you eat really healthy, things happen. A lot
I won’t spend a lot of time on this but let’s just say, when you eat a ton of veggies, fruit, fish and lean meat, coupled with lots of water, fresh air, sunshine and working out, stuff begins to move in you. And eventually out of you. Like a sh&t ton of stuff. Enough said. Just be prepared and enjoy the lightness of being.
People can lose control on vacation
It happened a lot in the workout classes I was taking, as well as the meditation, yoga and relaxation classes. People just lost control. One woman was bending to jump up from the Bosu ball and she lost control…of her butt. I did a pretty good job of not losing control of my laughter, as I tried to continue the workout. I was now VERY aware of my own butt. It also happened in the relaxation classes, but this time it was me. I fell asleep. I “think” I kept my butt in check but who knows? I was asleep and yes, I snored.
These are only a few of the funnier things I learned while on my vacation, but I did have some more poignant “a-ha” moments. Like when I realized I enjoy being alone. Until I don’t. Then I need someone to talk to, even if it was the young table busser, who didn’t really know what to make of my non-stop questions about his life goals. When I saw he was chewing gum, I tried to make a little joke about how he should take the time to think about the gum. Where did it come from and how was it making him feel? I think I scared the poor boy. My water glass stayed empty the rest of my meal. I also learned that two massages in one week is totally do-able BUT, when in a place like this, be very aware of falling asleep. And your butt.
Getting away from reality for a week, alone, was a great motivator to come back to life refreshed, energized and ready to put into action all the plans I laid out while there. I’ve been back two weeks and have managed to buy the book I wanted to read about Mindfulness, (I have yet to start it but it IS purchased) and I stocked the wine fridge. I’m choosing to ease back into this whole real life thing.
It’s hard.
This post is syndicated with permission.