Holiday Air Travel, Baking Memories, Laundry & Volunteering

Holiday Air Travel Survival Guide
~:: Family Travels on a Budget ::~
Holiday air travel… Do you think of it and shudder? Maybe envision forgetting one of your beloved brood, a la Home Alone? Perhaps your mind fills with endless news reports of holiday travelers stranded at airports shut down by blizzards in states thousands of miles away. While it’s true that there’s “no place like home for the holidays,” it sure can be hard to get there!
ABOUT KAREN: Karen and her family have learned the art of enjoying the travel experience. She shares humorous anecdotes from her own experiences and uses them to equip the reader to travel better. At Family Travels on a Budget, she helps readers plan, budget and experience their vacation dreams. You can follow Karen’s travel advice on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +.
Baking a Batch of Memories
~:: They Call Me Mummy ::~
If you knew today was the last day of your life, would you still do what you’re going to do? This is a question that was posed to me today and it really got me thinking. I so often get lost…
ABOUT MICHELLE: When Michelle is not drowning under a mountain of laundry, she writes commercials and yells (gently and encouragingly) at her children. She loves her three little people more than she ever believed was possible. Oh, and her house is not Pinterest-worthy.
Why I Won’t Be Doing My Family’s Laundry Anymore
~:: Crazed in the Kitchen ::~
I recently had an experience that convinced me that I should stop doing my family’s laundry…forever. It all started one dark night as I staggered through my backyard to the garage where the washer and dryer live. What I learned that night about the creatures big and small (and scary) that inhabit my yard after dark has haunted me—and has left my family wearing dirty clothes ever since.

How to Volunteer…Helping Your Kid’s Teacher
~:: A Mom with a Lesson Plan ::~
I am one of those Moms who loves the idea of working in the classroom. I love teaching, I love kids… fun, fun, fun. BUT actually finding time to work in the classroom is a little more difficult than I thought it would be. When the kids are at school it is time to work or clean or shop. Since I know I am not alone in my quest to help while not actually being in the classroom, I’ve made a list. I asked every teacher I know what type of classroom support they need…
ABOUT JILLIAN: Besides a love for her kids (and well just kids in general) Jillian has a degree in Early Childhood Education and 10 years experience as a preschool teacher. Right now her “students” call her mom. Jillian believes that life offers an abundance of learning opportunities. She loves figuring out what they are and how they can be expanded on. Jillian is the creator/author of and Raising a Creative Kid.
You can also find Jillian on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.