20 Realistic Parenting Resolutions by Awesomely Awake

20 Realistic Parenting Resolutions
~:: Awesomely Awake ::~
There are a few times a year when we become all about setting new goals.
Like the start of a new Year.
Or, during back to school season.
And, even when a new season is upon us {think spring cleaning}.
We like goals. We like resolutions. We like the idea of starting with a clean slate — this time will be better than the last.
Here at Awesomely Awake each week for the last year we’ve set an intention on how to live more mindfully, be better parents and just enjoy life more fully.
ABOUT SHAWN: Shawn Ledington Fink is the author of The Playful Family. She has been using these mantras and many others as she navigates being an intentional mother of twins, who are now 6 years old. A writer and journalist for nearly 20 years, she has a love of words and being a peaceful, playful and creative Mama. She loves inspiring other families to slow down and inject meaningful moments into their everyday life on her blog Awesomely Awake. You can find out more about her on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.