10 Ways to Keep Young Kids Walking by Making Boys Men

BonBon Break

10 Ways to Keep Young Kids Walking

~:: Making Boys Men ::~

10 Ways to Keep Young Kids Walking

Walking places with kids is a fantastic way to build outdoor play into everyday life.  If your kids bound everywhere with great enthusiasm, this will be really easy to implement, but maybe they’re more like my kids and need a little bit of encouragement to stop their feet from dragging.  Want to know how?  Here’s my ten ways to keep young kids walking…

Hannah HarrisABOUT HANNAH: Hannah is author of Making Boys Men a blog dedicated to following her three young boys grow up through play, fun and adventures.  Previously a dedicated couch potato Hannah can now be found enjoying the British rain whilst painting outdoors with her kids.  You can follow Hannah’s boys adventures (without getting wet) at Making Boys Men, or on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+


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