10 Signs You’re Ready to Stop Breastfeeding

I recently sailed past the 19-month mark of breastfeeding Declan and did so with a sigh. I’m grateful for being able to nurse for so long, but the truth is that I’m ready to be done any time now. I started out with a 6-month goal, which turned to one year once I exceeded my initial length. At the one year mark, I assumed (especially being pregnant twice) that Declan would just self-wean, and soon. Not the case, pregnancy hormones didn’t put him off . . . at all. And while it was painful, it was nothing compared to the pain of clogged ducts, so I nursed through it. Now? I long for the day that I can reclaim my breasts.
Completely tongue-in-cheek, here are some signs that you may be ready to stop breastfeeding:
1. Like an automaton, you proffer your breast when you hear the words milk, milkies, boob, boobie, etc. (or any utterance that sounds remotely similar).
2. You gaze longingly at your regular bras, tucked into the far reaches of your lingerie drawer, and haven’t the slightest recollection of the last time you wore one.
3. Why buy the milk when you get mama’s milk for free is no longer a humorous saying. In fact, you’re thinking about charging at this point.
4. You’re ready to disassociate yourself from the Got Milk? campaign.
5. You’re seriously questioning having another baby anytime in the near future (because the thought of another nursling makes you cringe).
6. You no longer think the I’m a Boob Man onesie is cute. At all.
7. You’re ready to wear something other than tank tops and cardigans (because, you know, you stopped wearing nursing clothing LONG ago).
8. Nursing in public? Pfft! No biggie (almost everyone’s glimpsed my breasts at this point).
9. Your little one can now ask to nurse . . . using a complete sentence.
10. Even your grungiest regular bra looks appealing.
Head to the Family Room
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