Are you looking for the Best Teacher Gifts for your kids’ teachers? Wait! Hold the door! I’m not saying that you HAVE to get them a gift, but give them any of these items and they will know you are there to work with them. These gifts do not need to show up on Day 1 of school in the middle of the madness, you can wait a week and it will have the same impact.
Teachers are in the middle of ALL THE SICKNESS. Give them something a little softer to use for themselves.

I think this one doesn’t need much of an introduction. Germs. Everywhere.
Hand sanitizer and aromatherapy goodness all rolled into one. It’s tiny so teachers can throw it in their pocket or keep it in a desk drawer. And yes, a six-pack is necessary.
I have never heard a teacher say they have too many Post-It Notes. It just doesn’t happen. They use them for self-reminders, teaching aids, place markers, classroom managements tools…the list goes on. Buy some. Buy a lot. And the colors? Dreamy.
Now these might look like your average black pens. They aren’t. See that little grip there? It makes a difference when you have to grade over 100 papers a day. If you click on the picture you will see those four packs in the pretty colors…those are the ones. Teachers like pretty colors too!
These are incredibly helpful and can be used in a variety of ways. I had a set and it lasted me for two years with A LOT of use.
Binder clips help teachers keep their papers together. Stacks of copies can be easily divided and HELD together. Paperclips don’t cut it and those little ones? Well, they are helpful too, throw in a box.
When I taught, I was constantly writing notes to parents, colleagues, students, administrators, volunteers and more. It was really nice to have a supply of notecards to write my messages and give them a little flare.
Cue the waterworks. WHAT?! A gift card to get WHATEVER I need for my classroom?! Again, dreamy.
If you are feeling inspirational, this journal will help them record all of their successes throughout the year. A little note along the lines of: “This journal is a gift for you to track all of your silver linings this year. Best wishes on the new school year and thank you for caring about our child’s education. We are excited to jump into action!“
I just had to share this one…
Ok, I don’t REALLY think you are going to give this to your kid’s First Grade Teacher. HOWEVER, if a parent I knew gave this to me, I would keep it in my drawer right next to my
Silver Lining Journal for a good giggle every once in awhile.

ABOUT VAL: As the Editor-in-chief of BonBon Break, Val loves finding and creating content to share with their readers.
A former middle school science/math/tech teacher, she put her career on hold to be at home with her son and daughter on an island in the Pacific Northwest.
When Val breaks away from her keyboard, she enjoys gardening, cooking, hiking, camping, photography, tidepooling, sailing and potlucks. She gets a kick out of combing the web for recipes and making them gluten free so she can share meals with her husband, family and friends. She is a tech-gadget geek who is poked fun at, but it doesn’t bother her a bit. Combining her love of photography, tech and graphics to create new, fun content for her sites quenches her “thirst” for integrated technology. Read more from Val on BonBon Break.
This post was written by Val Curtis exclusively for BonBon Break Media, LLC