~:: Snoring Dog Studio ::~
Have trouble correctly using the words, “you’re” and “your”? Or, do you just need a refresher lesson? Well, this post has it all: Grammar, fashion, cuteness, and puppies. Learning grammar doesn’t have to be all about diagramming sentences!
ABOUT JEAN: Jean is the creator of the blog Snoring Dog Studio. She is a writer, graphic designer and a watercolor painter living in Boise, Idaho.Along with a full-time job in public health, Jean squeezes in her blogging, watercolor painting, gardening, remodeling her home, hiking in the foothills and, of course, playing with her two Boston Terriers. Yes, they both snore. She gets a lot of her ideas for her artwork and her blog while walking to work or jogging in the foothills. Jean’s watercolors are shown locally at the Boise gallery called
Brumfield, LLC.Follow Jean on her blog at
snoringdogstudio.wordpress.com and on
Facebook. And see her watercolor paintings at